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Bertrand HERMANT


Since joining LAMARTINE CONSEIL in 2020, Bertrand is a member of the Paris and New York Bars and advises investment funds and groups of companies (French and foreign) on corporate taxation, mainly in transactional and international matters, as well as real estate and asset taxation.

He deals with all tax issues on a day-to-day basis, both on an advisory and a litigation basis, and in recent years has developed expertise in transactional taxation and LBO/Capital Investment taxation, whether in the context of day-to-day operations, restructuring or growth transactions.

Lastly, he regularly advises senior executives on their wealth tax issues, helping them to structure their business and private assets, as well as setting up employee savings schemes and structuring management packages.

In 2024, Bertrand was quoted by American legal magazine BEST LAWYERS in “Tax law”.


Tax law

  • LLM – Cornell Law School (Etats-Unis)
  • Master 2 degree in International Tax law – University of Paris Panthéon-Assas



Our references speak for us! Whatever your sector of activity, our teams will provide you with appropriate legal, tax and social expertise, at the forefront of best practices in terms of corporate finance and business transfer transactions.